Monday, July 6, 2009

Weekend in Granada

pic with the mime :)
grapevines in the Alhambra

Bullfight, the matadors were awesome!
The nice man at place let me cut my own tapa meat called "Jamon Serrano" its cut fresh from a pigs leg as you can see, it is very tasty :)

So this weekend we ventured out to Granada. It was about 2 and a half hours from Sevilla. We went to visit a palaca called, "The Alhambra" which was absolutely amazing! It is one of the largest palaces in the world. It was pretty awesome being able to see the phenomenal things that have been left behind from people who lived thousands of years ago. We then went to a cathedral in Granada where King Fernidad and Queen Isabella are buried. (To refresh some history, King Fernidad and Queen Isabebella are the ones who funded Christopher Columbus's trip to the Americas) after we visisted the cathedral we went shopping down some crazy arabic markets and found some great things to take home. Oh & this is when we were directed to the most AMAZING ice cream ever! This place had fresh ice cream,nice and cold and way beter then marble slab, cold stone, & mcdonalds! We then headed back to the hotel and got ready for the evening festivities. As a group we went to a gypsy cave across the Alhambra and watched these people live their hearts out through flamenco dancing. It was breath taking and the thing that made this experience was that they were literally 3 ft away, we could hear the music the pounding feet were making and we could see their feet move so fast.

Saturday we had a free day to do some more shopping and of ocurse get some some ice cream. On the way to the ice cream shop we encountered a REAL, LIVE, mime! He was so entertaining! He was making us laugh, we donated some change to his hat and were able to take a pic of him. Before the amazing palace visit I wanted to hydrate my body & I drank some water but it was like a water bottle the size of those water coolers that get deliver or you can refill at remote locations in a city. So during the visit at the most amazing palace in the world that was built in like before Christ times the built buildings withoug toilets. I was stuck half way through the coolest place I could have ever been & I had to get escorted out by one of the supervisors here at the center. So Fel's experience at this palace was limited due to the lack of her age and extremely small bladder. I was embarassed. Granada was alot of fun. Spain has been so much fun! We are going to Portugal this weekend to hit up the beach, surf, see some dolphins & kayak through some coves they have there. Yea, I'm pretty stoked. Also the running of the bulls is tomorrow July 7 in Pamplona. It is about 7 hours from here on a high speed train. I would've loved just to go see but unfortunately it's too far :( Check out the pics!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Spain Update!

Amigos y Familia! Lo siento por no escribir mucho en este blog. No hay muchas lugares aqui que puedo acesso el interent. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Friends & Family! I´m sorry for not writing much on this blog. There are not alot of places where I can get access to the interent. Well we have been here for about 2 weeks. It is amazing,. It takes some time to get adjusted but I did and we are embracing the country and the culture in its entirety!There is soo much history here its amazing. This past weeekend we went to cordoba and saw arabic ruins and a mosque that was converted into a cathedral. Tonorrow we leave to granada for the weekend to go look at other amazing historical monuments. I will post pics as soon as I can. The best part has been the bull fight. Yea it was slightly gross but man was it very exciting to see a 120 lb 19 yr old challenge a 1200 lb bull! Def put pics up of that soon! We´ve gone to the beach but it wasnt your typical american beach. Females enjoy going topless! School is great we just took our first prueba today(test) and I know I did well :) I will update as soon as I can. I gotta get to class! Miss you all very much!